
Can You Set New Year’s Resolutions That Work?


As the new year arrives, you may be wondering about the power of New Year's resolutions. Have you set resolutions in the past that simply did not work? We have some thoughts. Most Resolutions Revolve Around Goals Let's think about typical resolutions: I will lose 50 pounds. I will quit smoking. [...]

Can You Set New Year’s Resolutions That Work?2023-12-21T14:50:07-06:00

Setting Achievable, Realistic New Years Resolutions


Setting Achievable, Realistic New Years Resolutions About 40% of Americans set New Year’s resolutions. Yet, only about 50% of those individuals setting resolutions are still working on them six months later. Find yourself in the 20% that successfully achieve their New Year’s resolution by setting meaningful ones. Think about these suggestions. Schedule Self-care Generally, people [...]

Setting Achievable, Realistic New Years Resolutions2023-11-27T12:23:47-06:00

TOP PSYCHIATRIST in Milwaukee Magazine – Dr. James Winston


Experts in Psychiatric Care in Milwaukee Struggling with a mental health issue can be debilitating - and finding help can be just as hard. That's why we have brought together a team of psychiatrists in Milwaukee who specialize in conditions from depression and anxiety to PTSD and more. We offer both virtual [...]

TOP PSYCHIATRIST in Milwaukee Magazine – Dr. James Winston2023-08-09T15:57:41-05:00

What to Do If Your Child is Having A Mental Health Crisis


According to Suicides in Wisconsin Impacts and Responses, released in September 2020, suicide rates in the state increased by 40% between 2000 and 2017. While most suicide deaths were male, females were more likely to seek help at an emergency room. Parents, if you are concerned about your child, it is vital to know [...]

What to Do If Your Child is Having A Mental Health Crisis2023-02-21T11:29:50-06:00

Anger Management


Everyone has been angry at some point. When you become angry at circumstances or people, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, and your energy level also increases. There are appropriate and inappropriate ways to express your anger. These responses fall into three broad categories. Expressing Your Anger The best response when you are [...]

Anger Management2022-09-15T15:00:23-05:00

Tips To Manage Stress


Are you constantly feeling stressed? You probably already recognize your physical symptoms that indicate you are feeling stressed, like insomnia, headaches, trouble concentrating, jaw pain, and mood swings. If you are feeling stressed,  try following these simple tips to manage it: Get Exercise Walking a few times a week is a terrific way to beat [...]

Tips To Manage Stress2022-08-29T12:45:56-05:00

Additional Information About The 988 Lifeline


Here are links to some articles about the new 988 Mental Health Lifeline from both local Milwaukee Media and national media: https://www.tmj4.com/news/local-news/inside-look-at-the-center-answering-calls-for-anyone-who-dials-988-the-new-suicide-prevention-number https://www.tmj4.com/news/local-news/young-man-who-survived-his-own-suicide-attempt-shares-importance-of-new-mental-health-lifeline-988 https://www.wisn.com/article/988-suicide-and-crisis-prevention-line-in-wisconsin/40631715 https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/16/health/suicide-myths-facts-wellness/index.html    

Additional Information About The 988 Lifeline2022-07-18T12:42:42-05:00

Racial Disparities In Mental Health Treatment & Care


You can define disparities as unfair differences. In mental health, you can further define it as an unfair difference in access to and quality of care. Racial disparities can be defined as being denied access to or receiving lower-quality care based on your race. Research suggests that minorities, particularly those who identify themselves as African [...]

Racial Disparities In Mental Health Treatment & Care2022-06-30T10:25:25-05:00