mental illness


We must be each other’s advocates. If you think a friend, spouse, partner, or family member may be having mental health challenges, you need to care enough to discuss the issue with them and encourage them to get help. It is far easier to beg forgiveness for intervening when you misread signals than it is to mourn the death of a friend after it is too late.

Mental Health Warning Signs in Adults

Arm yourself with the information about the most common mental health warning signs that you may see in adults.

Changes at Home

When you live with a person, you will notice changes before the person is even aware of them. Other times, the person may realize that there is a problem, but they are in denial that they need help. These signs include:

• Excessive worry or fears
• Often feeling extremely sad or low for more than two weeks
• Extreme mood changes, including emotional highs that are too high
• Strong feelings of irritability or anger
• Changes in sleeping habits
• Changes in energy levels
• Increased hunger or avoiding food
• Overuse of drugs or alcohol
• Inability to handle daily tasks
• Complaining about multiple physical ailments without probable cause
• Intense concern over weight gain or appearance

Changes at Work

You may also notice changes in your boss, coworkers or others that you encounter where you work. You must reach out to these people with your concerns. Even if they try to brush you off, they must know that someone cares. Changes you may notice include:

• Constant irritability or angry outbursts
• Difficulty relating to other people
• Trouble concentrating
• Difficulty perceiving reality
• Lack of insight into one’s feelings
• Substance abuse
• Thinking about suicide

Changes Among Friends

You should also show your friends that you care enough to get involved if you think they have a mental health challenge. Some of the signs that you might see include:
• Avoiding social activities
• Substance abuse
• Difficulty relating to you or other people
• Excessive concern over their appearance
• Decline in personal grooming
• Talking about suicide

Be a great friend, coworker or family member by intervening when you think they face mental illness challenges. Give us a call to discuss the issue further.


Fill Out the Questionnaire to Determine Your Depression Score



Existing Patients and New Patients, Call us to schedule an appointment, get a prescription refill or just to ask a question:

Call 414-877-4570

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