
The holidays can be a lonely time for many people. Some wish they had a closer relationship with their loved ones while others have lost loved ones that they wish were still on earth. For others, a family member’s physical or emotional illness means that it is impossible to be with them this holiday season. Regardless of the reason that you are alone this holiday season, there are some things that you can do to fight loneliness.

Choose an activity or two that you enjoy doing and give yourself the gift of time to enjoy that activity. It may be something simple like a relaxing bubble bath or getting to travel to somewhere exotic where you have always wanted to go. Many people are so busy attending to the needs of others that they forget to practice self-care.

Create a Support System

While many people rely on their families to be their support system, it does not have to be that way. Look around your friend group and find others who may be alone this holiday season. Then, plan something fun to do together to celebrate the season.

If you feel isolated because you live too far away or an illness keeps you away from loved ones, then think about using the internet or connecting in some other way with the people you love.

Examine Your Expectations

It is essential to realize that almost no one has a perfect life during the holidays. Many people put on a fake smile and hope that January 2nd hurries up. This is especially true in this age of social media.

Therefore, you should take a few minutes to think about what the holidays mean for you. Then, create a plan to share your ideas with others. For many people, the holidays are the perfect time to get involved in charity work, like a toy drive, feeding the needy, or performing at a nursing home.

Show Gratitude

The chances are that you still have many things that you can be grateful for during the holiday season. Before you get out of bed in the morning, make yourself name five things that you are thankful for in your life. Then, stumble to the mirror and give yourself a high five because you have made it to another day. Starting your day with a heart full of thanksgiving can make all the difference in the world in the way the rest of your day will go.

Examine Your Feelings

Especially if you have trouble coping with loneliness throughout the year, the holidays are a perfect time to examine your feelings. Journaling about it can be a great place to start. You may even want to write a letter to someone you wish you had a closer relationship with during the holidays and let them know how you feel. After writing the letter, then you can decide if you want to send it or not.

Many people feel lonely during the holidays. Be proactive in acknowledging those feelings and find ways to be kind to yourself. Often, talking about those feelings to a therapist can help.




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