What is Stress and How to Recognize That You Need Help
Simply, stress is a set of physical reactions to a psychological event. The physical reactions to stress include an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar level, heart rate, and adrenalin. Of course in times of true external danger (e.g., being attacked by a mugger), this reaction could save your life.
Unfortunately, people are stressed by relatively minor, everyday events, such as being caught in traffic or having an argument with a co-worker or spouse. When stress affects someone day after day without relief, it can damage both the body and mind. Stress can cause a decrease in productivity and an increase in mistakes and accidents. In the long run, stress can cause depression, ulcers, and even heart attacks.
Fortunately, though, there are ways of dealing effectively with stress. But first, let our professionals at American Behavioral Clinics decide whether you are experiencing stress or distress. If you are experiencing 5 or more of the following responses on daily basis, there is a good chance that you are suffering adversely from stress.
Do you experience any of the following?
Emotional Responses
- Irritability
- Angry outburst
- Depression
- Suspiciousness
- Restlessness
- Anxiousness
- Decreased initiative
- Withdrawal
- Tendency to cry
- Tendency to blame others
- Reduced personal involvement with others
Intellectual Responses
- Forgetfulness
- Preoccupation
- Mathematical errors
- Lack of awareness
- Diminished productivity
- Lack of concentration
- Lack of attention to detail
Physical Responses
- Headaches
- Knots in stomach
- Butterflies in stomach
- Tight muscles
- Grinding teeth
- Rapid breathing
- Clammy hands
- Increased perspiration
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Shaky feeling hives or skin rash
Read more about stress management services available at American Behavioral Clinics, then contact your nearest location to make an appointment today!
Treatment for Stress Management?
At American Behavioral Clinics, mental health professionals can treat symptoms of stress. Therapy provides patients the methods needed for reducing and coping with stress.
ABC can help individuals identify what sources of stress to avoid, what sources to change, and what sources require modification. Relaxation techniques, deep breathing, stretching out muscles, improving diet, and exercising can help reduce stress.
Feelings of stress are a reaction to things happening in life and not a mental health problem, so there is no specific medication for stress. However, there are various medications available which can help reduce or manage some of the symptoms of stress.
✔︎ Sleep Issues: sleeping pills or minor tranquillizers
✔︎ Depression/Anxiety: antidepressant
Do not wait until stress has a negative impact on your health, relationships or quality of life. Start practicing a range of stress management techniques today
Existing Patients and New Patients, Call us to schedule an appointment, send a message to your provider, or just to ask a question:
Credence Therapy Accociates Patients - Please call (262) 723-3424
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