Bipolar Mental Disorder

Bipolar Mental Disorder


Bipolar disorder is the sixth leading cause of disability in the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 2.6% of people living in America have bipolar disorder. Still, it often is hard to get correctly diagnosed because the emotional highs often occur in very short cycles. This mental health condition usually starts about age 25, but it can begin as early as toddlerhood or as late as age 59.

People who are bipolar experience a cycle ranging from depression to feeling euphoric. This condition affects every phase of their lives, including the amount of energy they have, their sleep cycles and their eating habits. While it is not the norm, experiencing Cushing’s disease, a stroke, or other medical condition can cause bipolar disorder.

Are You a Candidate?

You are 75% more likely to be diagnosed with this life-altering condition if you have a close relative who also has been diagnosed. If you have one parent with bipolar disorder, your odds of being diagnosed with it increase by about 22% higher. On the other hand, if both of your parents are diagnosed, your odds increase by about 66% over the average population.

Cycles Often Vary by Sex

While an equal number of men and women are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, their cycles are different. Men usually have longer cycles while women are more likely to cycle rapidly. About 20% of people diagnosed with this disorder commit suicide, so it is very important to seek help.

Often Misdiagnosed

Sadly, people with bipolarity often spend up to 10 years before being correctly diagnosed, and very few are correctly diagnosed in under three years. Misdiagnosed women are often labeled as depressed while men are often labeled as schizophrenic.

There is Help for People With Bipolar Disorders

About 90% of people diagnosed with bipolarity are happy with their medicines. Far better outcomes are experienced by those involved in peer-to-peer support groups.

Keep Seeking a Correct Diagnosis

It can be very challenging for practitioners to arrive at a correct diagnosis because this condition often does not appear in isolation. It is often accompanied by depression or another mental health condition. Furthermore, many people try to self-medicate by using alcohol or drugs, so substance abuse can be a significant issue.

Bipolarity in Teens

Parents need to be especially aware of this condition in teens because it is easy to brush off as a teen moodiness. Therefore, many go undiagnosed. Yet, teenagers with bipolar disorder often commit suicide. If you think your teen may have this condition, please seek help.

If you think something is off, you must continue to seek help until workable solutions are found. Contact us about concerns on your own or a loved one’s mental health. At American Behavioral Clinics, we are here to help you.



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