

There is a definite relationship between the food you eat and how you can feel both physically and mentally. Changes in your diet may help you feel less stressed, anxious, and depressed because neurotransmitters in your gut constantly send health signals to your brain.

Whole Foods

Stop before you grab that hot dog, lunch meat, or other processed foods. Red dye and other ingredients can make you feel depressed. Instead, opt for whole foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. Fish and eggs can also be terrific options.


Foods that are full of fiber help your body absorb sugar at a constant rate. Therefore, you avoid sugar highs and lows, making you anxious and sleepy. Great sources of fiber include beans, broccoli, and most types of berries. Those that are less processed usually work best.


Foods high in antioxidants help fight inflammation, which can make you more depressed. Therefore, choose foods high in Omega 3, like anchovies, halibut, herring, mackerel, and oysters. An occasional treat of dark chocolate can help but do it in moderation because of the sugar content.


Folate helps the body produce dopamine, also called happy hormones. As a B-vitamin, your body cannot store folate, so you need a little daily. Great sources include dark green leafy vegetables, peanuts and beans.

Vitamin D

People usually get Vitamin D from the sun, but if you are not getting enough, you may need to work it into your diet. Fatty fish and fish liver oils can be good sources, along with Vitamin D fortified foods.


If you do not eat enough magnesium, it can affect many things in your body, including your heart rate. You may also feel depressed. Try incorporating more greens, nuts, seeds, and beans into your diet. You should try to include a little magnesium in your diet every day.

You will be amazed at how much better you feel when eating a healthy diet! If you feel your mental well-being needs additional attention above improvements to your diet, or find that these foods to improve your well-being do not seem to be helping you, reach out to us. We are here to help you find a path to better mental well-being.



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