mental health awareness month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. People have celebrated this movement to support mental health in America since 1948. The theme for 2023 is more than enough. The founders desired to move talk to action to improve mental health conditions. Today, more than 1,750 nonprofit organizations celebrate the month.

You Are More Than Enough

Repeating mantras are a terrific way to build your mental health. You can also write these sayings out and post them where you will see them often. Consider these options:
I am enough. Who I am is enough. What I do is enough, and what I have is enough.
• I am beautiful both inside and out.
• I am unique, and that is my gift.
• I breathe in courage. I exhale doubt.
• I am fierce, unafraid, and brave.

Using Mantras to Build Your Mental Well-being

Science shows that repeating mantras can help stop a racing mind. Sit on the floor or in a chair in a comfortable position. Split the mantra in half so you say half of it while you breathe in and the other half as you exhale. Repeat it out loud 10 times. Then, repeat it moving only your lips before repeating it in your head. Finally, stop repeating the mantra and take a few deep breaths before moving on with your day.

Supporting Someone With Mental Health Challenges

Mental health challenges affect one adult out of five. If you have a friend facing a mental health challenge, the National Alliance on Mental Health, who sponsors Mental Health Awareness Month, says it is essential to be there for them. You do not have to have all the answers. Just being present can make a tremendous difference. Following some tips can help:
• Set aside time with no distractions
• Let them share as much or as little as they want
• Keep questions open-ended
• Practice active listening
• Offer to help them find professional support

Sometimes, being there is not enough. Therefore, suggest that the person set up a mental health appointment with us. We are here to help them feel that they are more than enough.



Existing Patients and New Patients, Call us to schedule an appointment, get a medication refill or just to ask a question:

Call 414-877-4570

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