family therapy milwaukee

We live in a world full of devices designed to help us easily engage with other people, but some of us encounter difficulty talking to family members. Right now, you may even have a beloved relative you haven’t heard from in ages. If that communication gap feels like a problem to you, let’s explore how to correct it.

Consider the True Cause

Firstly, why aren’t you talking? When we fully ponder this question, we delve past the skin-deep reason. The truth is typically more complex than, essentially, so-and-so did something. Create space for these questions:

  • What is the communication breakdown’s true cause?
  • Did anyone set unrealistic expectations?
  • Did anyone do something intentional?
  • Have I or someone I love been harmed?
  • Is forgiveness possible?

Now, Consider Your Next Step

Family ties are commonly dense and complicated. After asking questions like those above, you may find two available paths. You may have to decide whether you are actually ready to communicate with your family currently. Of course, that is an easier question to answer if you live in separate homes.

Importantly, there’s no wrong choice. You only need to choose without pressure or consequences.

How to Start Talking to Your Family Again

If you choose this path, try to put everyone in your family into a new headspace:

  • Gently tell them you want to reboot the family.
  • Focus on appreciating each member’s value.
  • Keep conversations focused on today and tomorrow, not past events.
  • Encourage everyone to considerately take turns speaking and truly listening.

Your Family May Need a Little Extra Support

Overcoming some challenges requires an outside party’s understanding and assistance. Fortunately, we offer expert family therapy in a warm setting. If you’re ready to talk to your family again, we’ll help you start the conversation.



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Call 414-877-4570

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