christmas depression

Do you feel oddly disconnected from holiday joy this year? If you’re typically a fan of December’s festivities, your recent detachment from jingle bells and glee may be personally surprising. Let’s take a moment to explore your current state of mind together.

You Could Be Depressed

If you suspect depression is dampening your holidays this year, consider these signs:

  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness or emptiness
  • Irritability
  • Changes in sleep habits
  • A fixation on past failures
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Recurring thoughts of self-harm

Additionally, December’s weather can make folks in our region depressed. Shortened daylight periods and colder temperatures cause seasonal affective disorder, which is a type of depression also known as SAD.

You Can Still Navigate This Holiday Season and Make Positive Memories

If you think you’re experiencing SAD this holiday season, going outside during daytime hours can boost your mood.

No matter the type of depression you’re potentially experiencing, avoid alcohol and all other substances that haven’t been prescribed to you during this season. At holiday gatherings, ask for seltzer or ginger ale.

If an interaction with a friend or family member at a holiday function causes initial anxiety, try to push past that moment. As a result, you may find yourself feeling quite comfortable in the conversation.

Look Forward to a Brighter 2024

Within days, 2024 will arrive. No matter how you feel right now, give yourself permission to greet the new year in a new headspace. You can prepare for your new headspace by reaching out to our team of trained, licensed professionals at American Behavioral Clinics.

Our expert staff understands how to properly treat each form of depression. To learn how we can help you enjoy a brighter 2024, talk to us today.



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