Stress Symptoms: Effects on Your Body and Behavior

It has become almost a contest to see who has the highest levels of stress, as if the higher the stress level in your life the better you are doing or more important your job.  For some people not having too much on your daily schedule can be seen as a failure.  Too much stress; however, isn’t good for us.

Web MD has a rather long list of symptoms of stress on the different parts of the mind and body.

Symptoms Include:

✅  Having a difficult time relaxing
✅  Avoiding others
✅  Low energy
✅  Chest pain
✅  Clenched jaw
✅  Constant worrying
✅  Inability to focus
✅  Showing poor judgment
✅  Changes in appetite
✅  In some cases lead to drug use.

There are many more ways stress can show that it’s taking it toll on you, but is it really so bad for you?

It can be. Letting stress continue to build can effect your long term health, and can even be as harmful to your body as smoking, not working out and having poor eating habits. Feeling under stress triggers a flight or fight response in our bodies which floods the system with hormones. Long term effects of these hormones cause higher blood pressure, skin problems, anxiety, depression and even diabetes. It’s no surprise that some primary care doctors report that many of the adults they see on a daily basis are coming in for a complaint related to stress.

Discovery Health offers reccomendations on helping regulate acute stress. Other good ways of reducing stress and it’s effects on your body from WebMD are exercise, getting rest and enough sleep, realizing you cannot control everything, take time for yourself to do something relaxing, take a deep breath and seeking out social support.

Stress is something we all have in our day to day lives but taking steps to lessen the way it impacts our bodies will benefit us.



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