On March 20th, 2020 We Celebrate the International Day of Happiness!


The International Day of Happiness is a global campaign coordinated by Action for Happiness, which is a non-profit organization that operates in 180 countries around the world and is supported by partnering with like-minded organizations that wish to work together to create a happier world.  The theme of this year’s celebration is “Happier Together”, where the focus is on celebrating our common humanity, rather than on the issues that can divide people.

Action for happiness recognizes that “A profound shift in attitudes is underway all over the world. People are now recognizing that ‘progress’ should be about increasing human happiness and wellbeing, not just growing the economy.”

To this end, Action for Happiness encourages you to join their cause by taking action locally in your community while keeping in mind worldwide happiness as others work across the globe for this goal as well. Members will work to increase happiness and wellbeing in their homes, at work, in schools, and throughout neighborhoods, while keeping in mind how their individual local actions can contribute a part to the far-reaching collective goal of a happier world.

Action for Happiness states that their mission is for “a happier world, with fewer people suffering with mental health problems and more people feeling good, functioning well and helping others.”

Actionforhappiness.org has a lot of great information about ways you can take action to help create a happier world and also discover more meaning in your own life. There is also an Action for Happiness Course that provides the opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded people to discover simple actions that can be taken to make yourself and others happier.

https://www.dayofhappiness.net/#join has more information on this year’s Day of Happiness, and you can get a free guidebook and ideas of children as well to help celebrate this special day with them, as well as download an app that can provide you with new action ideas each day.








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