Mental Health

Mental Health News by American Behavioral Clinics of Wisconsin

10 Motivational Quotes on the Importance of Mental Wellbeing


In the intricate tapestry of life, mental health stands as the foundational thread, weaving through our experiences, emotions, and well-being. Recognizing its paramount significance is a vital step toward cultivating a fulfilling and balanced existence. Mental well-being is not merely the absence of mental illness but a holistic embrace of emotional, psychological, and social [...]

10 Motivational Quotes on the Importance of Mental Wellbeing2023-10-12T17:36:27-05:00

You Are Not Your Mental Health Diagnosis


Modern life persistently carries us away from our intended paths, so let’s reclaim a few minutes now. We want to tell you something crucially important today. You are not your mental health diagnosis. We Humans Are Complex You have dreams or plans, right? Very likely, you also have a favorite color. [...]

You Are Not Your Mental Health Diagnosis2023-10-09T11:19:20-05:00

October Is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, & ADHD Awareness Month, & So Much More!


October is filled with a focus on mental health education and depression awareness.  The entire month is filled with sharing information and awareness of screenings and prevention, as the following is observed throughout October: National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month Health Literacy Month ADHD Awareness Month Bullying Prevention Month Observed focus weeks throughout October [...]

October Is National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month, & ADHD Awareness Month, & So Much More!2024-03-08T16:07:38-06:00

10 Wonderful Things About Fall in Wisconsin


The transition from summer to fall in Wisconsin & throughout The Midwest brings about many wonderful things that can have positive effects on your mental well-being. Here are 10 great things about this season change! Outdoor Activities: Fall is a fantastic time for outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and camping. [...]

10 Wonderful Things About Fall in Wisconsin2024-05-15T17:16:45-05:00

Upcoming Mental Health Training, Discussions, Seminars & More in Wisconsin: Fall-Winter 2023


Here is a handy link to mental health-related talks, training & more throughout Wisconsin for the remainder of 2023: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/wi--milwaukee/mental-health/ Also on Sunday September 3rd  attend the 14th Annual Labor of Love Music Festival at Hart Park in Wauwatosa. Learn more about this event here!

Upcoming Mental Health Training, Discussions, Seminars & More in Wisconsin: Fall-Winter 20232023-09-26T16:12:56-05:00

Raising Hope and Awareness: National Suicide Prevention Month and Week in September 2023


In a world that often seems to move at an unrelenting pace, taking time to address pressing issues is crucial. National Suicide Prevention Month, observed in September, and National Suicide Prevention Week, spanning from September 10 to 16, 2023, are moments dedicated to promoting understanding, fostering hope, and spreading awareness about mental health and suicide [...]

Raising Hope and Awareness: National Suicide Prevention Month and Week in September 20232023-08-29T10:57:33-05:00

Are You Putting the Horse Before the Cart in Mental Health?


Since 1589 people have been cautioned not to put the cart before the horse. John Heywood first wrote the phrase, and it was later popularized by Shakespeare. It means to make sure that you do things in the proper order. Yet, every day many people fail to follow the sound advice [...]

Are You Putting the Horse Before the Cart in Mental Health?2023-08-16T15:57:22-05:00

Your Cortisol Level May Be Stressing You Out


If you are depressed or have bipolar disorder, your body’s cortisol level may be to blame. One of the duties of this hormone is to help your body respond appropriately to stress. Your body’s level should be between 6 to 23 micrograms per deciliter in the morning and go down throughout [...]

Your Cortisol Level May Be Stressing You Out2023-08-04T11:24:43-05:00

Food Insecurity Leads to Mental Health Challenges


There is a direct connection between food insecurity and mental health. People facing food insecurity are at a 257% higher risk of anxiety and a 253% higher risk of depression than the general population, according to the Centers for Disease Control. While food insecurity includes the lack of food, it also [...]

Food Insecurity Leads to Mental Health Challenges2023-06-19T17:26:47-05:00