
The latest news from American Behavioral Clinics of Wisconsin.

Big News- ABC is Opening A New Location in Dousman, WI!


  American Behavioral Clinics will be opening a new behavioral clinic in Dousman, WI. We are still working on the build-in and all the intricacies of developing and staffing the location. We will keep you informed on when we will be open for business as we reach nearer to the target date. However, the new [...]

Big News- ABC is Opening A New Location in Dousman, WI!2022-05-26T15:49:16-05:00

The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health


Unraveling the Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health There is an undeniable connection between mental and physical health. If you are struggling with physical health issues, then it is natural for your emotional health to suffer. The opposite is also true. If you are struggling with mental health issues, you can start experiencing more physical [...]

The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health2022-05-26T10:43:22-05:00

Everything You Need to Know About National Mental Health Center Week


Typically held the first or second week of August annually, the National Mental Health Center Week celebrates all of our healthcare heroes, helps us look back on all that health centers have accomplished over the years, and raises mental health awareness for those interested in this topic across the United States. Mental health centers exist [...]

Everything You Need to Know About National Mental Health Center Week2020-08-03T16:00:43-05:00

July 24th- Celebrate International Self-Care Day


July 24th- International Self-Care Day On July 24th, we celebrate International Self-Care Day. This day was established in 2011, and the focus is on the awareness of the importance of self-care and empowering people with the knowledge and ability on how to be active participants in their own wellness. There are many health-related [...]

July 24th- Celebrate International Self-Care Day2020-07-20T19:41:05-05:00

Strengthening the Mental Health of Children


Personalized, Caring Attention for Children & Adolescents American Behavioral Clinics is an outpatient therapy treatment facility dedicated to effectively treating people with mental health challenges by reducing suffering, behavioral issues and the impact of psychological trauma.  We do this by providing psychiatric services, counseling, and group therapy that strengthens the emotional health and safety [...]

Strengthening the Mental Health of Children2023-08-18T13:03:11-05:00

Staying Strong During COVID-19


During these uncertain times of the Corona Virus outbreak, it is easy, if not even the “new normal” to feel overwhelmed and worried for the health and safety of ourselves, our loved ones, and for the entire planet. The information from the CDC and media outlets is continuously updated, and then changes constantly and quickly. [...]

Staying Strong During COVID-192020-03-24T15:04:49-05:00

10 Ways to Take Care Of Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak


Over the last few weeks, it seems like no matter where you turn, the coronavirus is the center of the conversation. School closures, work changes, event cancellations, and less socialization can take a toll on your mental health. From anxiety about the disease to feelings of uncertainty, your mind may be going into overdrive. We [...]

10 Ways to Take Care Of Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Outbreak2022-11-01T10:17:56-05:00

International Day of Happiness!


On March 20th, 2020 We Celebrate the International Day of Happiness! #InternationalDayofHappiness The International Day of Happiness is a global campaign coordinated by Action for Happiness, which is a non-profit organization that operates in 180 countries around the world and is supported by partnering with like-minded organizations that wish to work together to create a [...]

International Day of Happiness!2020-03-16T21:23:21-05:00

Why See a Psychiatrist to Treat Depression Rather than a Family Doctor?


When a patient suspects he or she may have clinical depression and require treatment, a common first step is to see the family doctor. After all, mental health is a very personal subject, and most people don't want to receive depression treatment from a complete stranger! Another common issue is that patients associate the word [...]

Why See a Psychiatrist to Treat Depression Rather than a Family Doctor?2021-10-21T17:44:17-05:00