
The latest news from American Behavioral Clinics of Wisconsin.

Back to School Prep for Children with ADHD


Back to School Prep for ADHD Children The back to school season can be a hectic, stressful time for any family with children. For families with ADHD children, there is a lot more anxiety added. During the summer months, many parents choose to give children time away from medication therapy, often only maintaining behavioral health [...]

Back to School Prep for Children with ADHD2020-06-25T17:51:34-05:00

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Strike in Summer


Summer Affecting Your Mental Health? If you find yourself struggling with your mental health in the summer, you’re not alone. Many people know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD), associating it mostly with an increase of depressive symptoms in the winter. People who suffer from SAD in the winter may sleep more (hypersomnia), withdraw socially, overeat, [...]

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Strike in Summer2020-03-16T21:24:53-05:00

CBD Oil & Products Now Available at ABC


ABC and partner Viva Wellness are proud to now offer CBD oil and products! What exactly is CBD? - CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is extracted from the flowers and buds hemp plants. It does not produce intoxication, high, or other psychoactive effects.  Can help improve the following conditions: Anxiety Depression Pain Helps reduce stress Insomnia Supports weight-loss efforts - [...]

CBD Oil & Products Now Available at ABC2020-03-16T21:26:17-05:00



Suicide Prevention: Warning Signs and Keys to Prevention American Behavioral Clinics is focused on the prevention of suicide. We use techniques to help individuals who are fighting against suicidal urges. We offer help to adults and adolescents. Preventing Suicide Warning signs aren't always obvious. Often it is trying to keep your suicidal thoughts and feelings [...]


Stress Management


What is Stress and How to Recognize That You Need Help Simply, stress is a set of physical reactions to a psychological event. The physical reactions to stress include an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar level, heart rate, and adrenalin. Of course in times of true external danger (e.g., being attacked by a mugger), [...]

Stress Management2020-03-16T21:25:39-05:00

Sleep Disorders


Do You Have a Sleep Problem? Sleep is a vital part of life. It helps people with focusing, concentration, and critical thinking. When something happens to an individual’s sleep schedule, it can throw off their whole day. Many people in the world suffer from sleep disorders. These disorders can be detrimental to an individual’s everyday [...]

Sleep Disorders2020-03-16T21:25:55-05:00

Sexual Dysfunction


What is Sexual Dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction is when an individual experiences problems in the sexual response cycle which prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction in sexual activity. Sexual dysfunction can affect men and women. The phases of the sexual response cycle include: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. There are 4 types of sexual [...]

Sexual Dysfunction2020-03-16T21:26:07-05:00