National PTSD Awareness Day- June 27th


June is National PTSD Awareness Month but June 27th is national PTSD awareness day. Most everyone has heard of PTSD, Post-traumatic stress disorder, but what most people know about this mental illness they learned from the movies and TV. Typically when you see PTSD portrayed in the movies or on a television show you’ll see [...]

National PTSD Awareness Day- June 27th2022-05-26T10:13:41-05:00

Do You Have a Safe House? By Stacey Nye, PhD


Do You Have a Safe House? I recently presented a workshop at a local spa on healing disconnected eating. As a guest presenter my husband and I were treated to a weekend of complimentary food, exercise classes and other presentations by the spa’s staff.  He attended a workshop given by the staff nutritionist on [...]

Do You Have a Safe House? By Stacey Nye, PhD2024-04-29T13:45:06-05:00

Talk to Children about 9/11


Tips for Talking to Your Children About 9/11 Discussing 9/11 isn’t an easy task. We often hear, “I want to tell my child what happened but don’t know where to begin.” These tips have been prepared to help you navigate these conversations by offering simple and effective guidelines for talking to your children about [...]

Talk to Children about 9/112024-04-29T13:36:22-05:00