manage stress

Are you constantly feeling stressed? You probably already recognize your physical symptoms that indicate you are feeling stressed, like insomnia, headaches, trouble concentrating, jaw pain, and mood swings. If you are feeling stressed,  try following these simple tips to manage it:

Get Exercise

Walking a few times a week is a terrific way to beat stress. Research shows that 150 minutes per week is ideal, but even a brisk five-minute walk can help.

Eat a Healthy Diet

You have probably heard that you are what you eat, and it is true. Therefore, to feel less stressed, fill half your plate with vegetables at each meal. Then, eat at least two to three servings of fruit and dairy daily. Finally, eat a healthy protein regularly that is low in fat. Skip the candy bar and other high-sugar options as they can make you feel jittery.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Be very aware of how much caffeine you are consuming throughout the day. Caffeine can make you more jittery, and you may get caffeine headaches if forced to go without it, which can add to your stress level. Furthermore, when your caffeine level is too high, it can interfere with your sleep pattern. Therefore, eliminating it will help you feel better.

Reduce Screen Time

Try to limit the amount of time that you spend on electronic devices. Turn them off at least an hour before bed. Take time to unwind without staring at a screen.


Spending a few minutes each day meditating can help you feel less stressed. Guided meditations are an excellent option as they help you stop thinking about the things that are stressing you out and help you focus on the soothing voice and directions. You can find several online options for Alexa, Google Home, and Echo.

Get Away Regularly

Many people who feel a high-stress level refuse to take breaks. Even short ones can help you regain your focus. Longer ones, especially those in nature, are beneficial, so schedule them regularly.

Sometimes talking to someone helps you develop a better stress management plan to deal with stress. Contact us today to set up an appointment, and let’s find a solution together.



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