holiday party

The year’s most festive time has arrived, so you may have an office holiday party on your immediate calendar. These events can be fun. Well, as the expression goes, they can be mandatory fun, anyway.

Your company’s holiday party might include adult beverages. If you’re concerned about staying sober during the party, let’s conveniently strategize your night now.

Carry a Decoy Beverage

Most of us adults are familiar with this tactic. You order a nonalcoholic beverage. Common options include sparkling water or diet cola. If your party is in the office, simply  fill up your glass or beverage container with water from the water cooler or dispenser and sip from that. You may choose to For a holiday twist, ask for ginger ale and cranberry juice. As a result, some attendees might think you’re toasting with a classic Cape Cod.

Bring an Upbeat Attitude

You’re going to a holiday party, so remember your good cheer. Folks will care more about this than what’s in your glass. If you’re good at telling workplace-appropriate jokes, bring your humor to the party.

Here’s a common joke-telling tip. The funny word goes last. That means, for the best chance at laughs, you should arrange the punchline in an order that emphasizes the funniest word.

Know When to Leave

No party can last forever, and office parties that go late always go awry. Once you’ve been at the party for two hours, you can reasonably look for the door. If the gathering’s schedule features mixing around hors d’oeuvres and nothing else, feel free to depart well before two hours.

By leaving the party early in the night, you’ll likely avoid being there if attendees’ drinking becomes reckless. If you’re still there when someone mentions playing a drinking game or throwing back a round of shots, it’s time to exit gracefully.

Know When to Call Us

Sometimes, staying sober requires more than reading a blog article. We understand at American Behavioral Clinics. To talk with a trained professional about an addiction issue faced by you or someone you love, reach out to us.



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