
Making Real & Lasting Changes To Your Behavior For The Better


  Changing behavior is not for the faint of heart. Behavior modification takes hard work and dedication. It does not matter if it is winning a marathon or taking better care of your health., you must be ready to commit to hard work. Following some proven steps along the way can make any self-improvement goal [...]

Making Real & Lasting Changes To Your Behavior For The Better2021-10-15T10:59:55-05:00

5 Ways to Cultivate a Deeper Self Awareness


When a person becomes self-aware, they begin to understand why and how they respond to the different challenges and situations of life, which can empower them to take charge of their responses, handle stress better, and have a better self-understanding of their own triggers and capacities. Also, increasing self-awareness allows a person to communicate more [...]

5 Ways to Cultivate a Deeper Self Awareness2021-06-09T13:56:24-05:00

10 Easy Ways to Promote Self Care


“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” - The Buddha With living through the past year of dealing with all of the challenges of the pandemic, it’s important to remember little things in life that can add small bursts of comfort & quality to our daily lives. As we [...]

10 Easy Ways to Promote Self Care2023-07-14T10:40:48-05:00

Staying Physically Fit at Home While Social Distancing


Not only for physical well-being but for mental wellness, it is important to try and stay physically active and as fit as you can during the pandemic. So many people are eating more, eating mindlessly, and are falling into a routine of working from the couch and then spending the evening on the couch not [...]

Staying Physically Fit at Home While Social Distancing2021-02-22T18:13:25-06:00

The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health


Unraveling the Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health There is an undeniable connection between mental and physical health. If you are struggling with physical health issues, then it is natural for your emotional health to suffer. The opposite is also true. If you are struggling with mental health issues, you can start experiencing more physical [...]

The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health2022-05-26T10:43:22-05:00

5 Ways to Cultivate Self-Awareness


Being self-aware means that we are aware of our emotions and emotional state at any moment, which can positively affect our thoughts and behaviors in any situation. We may even be able to even see ourselves objectively- what we say and do as seen from the perspective of someone else. This obviously isn’t an easy [...]

5 Ways to Cultivate Self-Awareness2020-09-30T15:52:24-05:00

Digitally Detoxing: Taking a Break from Social Media


If you have thought of taking a break from social media, you are certainly not alone. What was originally intended to be a digital meeting place for friends and family members to share pictures and to easily communicate has evolved to include attention-grabbing news items, advertisements that bombard, political rants, the ability to scream [...]

Digitally Detoxing: Taking a Break from Social Media2024-02-21T13:48:56-06:00

Stress Reduction Techniques That Really Work


If you are feeling stressed, try one or more of these techniques to regain your calm. For some of these techniques, some time and practice may need to put in in order to actualize the benefits. Others can work towards helping you almost instantly. The important thing to realize is to pay attention to your [...]

Stress Reduction Techniques That Really Work2020-07-23T20:31:43-05:00

July 24th- Celebrate International Self-Care Day


July 24th- International Self-Care Day On July 24th, we celebrate International Self-Care Day. This day was established in 2011, and the focus is on the awareness of the importance of self-care and empowering people with the knowledge and ability on how to be active participants in their own wellness. There are many health-related [...]

July 24th- Celebrate International Self-Care Day2020-07-20T19:41:05-05:00

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Strike in Summer


Summer Affecting Your Mental Health? If you find yourself struggling with your mental health in the summer, you’re not alone. Many people know about seasonal affective disorder (SAD), associating it mostly with an increase of depressive symptoms in the winter. People who suffer from SAD in the winter may sleep more (hypersomnia), withdraw socially, overeat, [...]

Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Strike in Summer2020-03-16T21:24:53-05:00