
Can Mental Health Affect Memory?


    Researchers are beginning to understand that there are physical changes to the brain when a person is depressed. These changes occur in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala part of the brain responsible for short-term memory. The great news is that while you may forget to pick up your prescription or your groceries, [...]

Can Mental Health Affect Memory?2022-04-14T17:40:06-05:00

Is There A Connection Between Allergies & Mental Health?


  If you suffer from allergies, asthma, or hay fever, researchers believe you can be at a higher risk of being diagnosed with a mental health disorder. While there are statistics to prove them right, they are unsure if those figures can imply a direct connection. Finding the Missing Link Researchers are still looking for [...]

Is There A Connection Between Allergies & Mental Health?2022-04-11T13:39:39-05:00

Insomnia Could Be A Sign of Depression


  For years, psychologists have understood that insomnia was one sign of depression. Now, researchers at Stanford and Duke universities and experts at the University of Pittsburgh are discovering that depression can cause insomnia. They theorize that the same chemical changes in the body can cause both conditions and that either one may occur first. [...]

Insomnia Could Be A Sign of Depression2022-03-28T11:44:41-05:00

Facts About Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar Mental Disorder   Bipolar disorder is the sixth leading cause of disability in the world. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 2.6% of people living in America have bipolar disorder. Still, it often is hard to get correctly diagnosed because the emotional highs often occur in very short cycles. [...]

Facts About Bipolar Disorder2022-03-18T14:37:36-05:00

Volunteer Opportunities in Greater Milwaukee


Volunteering is a great way to feel good, and to help people or an organization you believe in achieve their goals and/or run a successful event. It is also a great way to meet and interact with people who are like-minded and giving of their time, attention, and efforts. Here is a link to [...]

Volunteer Opportunities in Greater Milwaukee2022-03-09T10:56:26-06:00

Want More Exercise and Fresh Air During Winter in Milwaukee? Try Snowshoeing!


If one of your resolutions for the New Year is to get outside and exercise more, why not try snowshoeing? This is a great opportunity to get outside and make the most of the snowy and cold weather and perhaps shake off the winter blahs. Compared to some other outdoor winter activities, snowshoeing is inexpensive, [...]

Want More Exercise and Fresh Air During Winter in Milwaukee? Try Snowshoeing!2022-01-06T12:19:20-06:00

What is Codependency?


  Codependency is excessive emotional or psychological reliance on another person who typically has an addiction. That addiction can be multiple things, including work, drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or anything else. In many cases, co-dependents come from dysfunctional families, but that is not always the case. You can think of codependency as a never-ending circle. [...]

What is Codependency?2021-11-22T13:38:13-06:00

Helping A Loved One Who is Suicidal


If you encounter a person who is suicidal, you must act immediately. Call 911 and get help on the way. Never leave a suicidal individual alone. If there is more than one individual with a suicidal individual, then the other person should remove drugs, weapons, and anything that the person may use to kill themselves [...]

Helping A Loved One Who is Suicidal2021-11-01T12:47:15-05:00

Using Telehealth for Depression & Anxiety Treatment


If you are an individual who could benefit from depression treatment or anxiety treatment, telehealth may be the perfect solution. Also called telemedicine, there are several ways that people with depression or anxiety may benefit from telehealth. Telehealth is Convenient Telemedicine eliminates the hassles of taking a day off work and finding a sitter to [...]

Using Telehealth for Depression & Anxiety Treatment2021-11-01T12:34:06-05:00

Identifying Depression in Adolescents


Finding Out if a Teenager is Depressed As a parent, healthcare worker, or teacher, you will want to know when and if an adolescent is depressed. Finding out the mental state of a teenager will allow you to ensure that their mental health and well-being are restored. It will also allow you to prevent a [...]

Identifying Depression in Adolescents2021-09-20T10:38:31-05:00