
Medications for Depression Treatment


Drug Options for Treating Depression If you are depressed, working with a skilled medical professional allows you to determine which class of medications or combinations work best for you while minimizing side effects. There are several drug options for treating depression. Consider the options and consult your provider. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) This type [...]

Medications for Depression Treatment2022-08-08T10:26:21-05:00

What is Ketamine Therapy?


Ketamine started as anesthesia for animals. Then, doctors began using it with suicidal patients in ambulances or emergency rooms. While some people have experimented with it in a recreational setting, it should be administered under a therapist’s care because it causes a dissociative experience. Often given as a tapering downward treatment, the nasal spray or [...]

What is Ketamine Therapy?2022-09-15T15:01:04-05:00

How to Choose a Therapist


  If you want to start therapy or are thinking about changing therapists, you may wonder how to choose a great one. There are several factors to consider when choosing a therapist. These include finding a caregiver who: Is Compassionate You need to look forward to visiting with the therapist because they show you that [...]

How to Choose a Therapist2022-06-30T10:27:57-05:00

What is the Difference Between a Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor?


  If you need to find a new health care provider, you may be wondering the difference between a nurse practitioner and a medical doctor. While they both treat medical conditions and refer to specialists, including mental health professionals, they are not the same thing. Education Nurse practitioners earn a registered nurse's degree and must [...]

What is the Difference Between a Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor?2022-05-24T10:32:48-05:00

What’s the Difference Between a Psychiatrist and a Therapist?


Therapists and psychiatrists both deal with mental health, but they approach it from two different perspectives. Therefore, it is essential to understand the differences between psychiatrists and Therapists. Understanding the differences can be vital in getting the type of health care you want to receive. Therapists and psychiatrists treat many of the same conditions. Depending [...]

What’s the Difference Between a Psychiatrist and a Therapist?2022-09-15T14:41:37-05:00

How Mental Health Affects Daily Life


  Positive mental health affects your daily life in many ways. Therefore, you should work on making it a priority every day. Physical Health Scientists are starting to understand that there is a direct correlation between your mental and physical health. A study of 10,693 individuals found that those with poor mental health did not [...]

How Mental Health Affects Daily Life2022-05-18T10:32:08-05:00

Can Mental Illness Be Cured?


  Mental health conditions affect every aspect of life for approximately 20% of the population. In addition to causing emotional and family issues, mental health challenges can even contribute to respiratory problems, cancer, and heart disease. While mental health issues cannot be cured in the traditional sense of the word, there is hope and help [...]

Can Mental Illness Be Cured?2022-05-02T16:20:01-05:00

Preparing for Your Telehealth Appointment


  Telehealth appointments can be a great way to receive help for your depression. Just as with in-person visits with a psychologist or psychiatrist, you can receive therapy, get new prescriptions or renew your current ones. It helps both you and your doctor if you spend a few minutes preparing for your telemedicine appointment ahead [...]

Preparing for Your Telehealth Appointment2021-10-15T10:45:58-05:00

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Helping with Mental Wellness


Occupational therapists work in multiple capacities to help people both physically and mentally recover from both physical injury, mental trauma, and health issues. They realize that by engaging in purposeful tasks, people in a state of recovery can often affect positive outcomes that allow them to achieve or-re-achieve independence, gain new skills, find a new [...]

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Helping with Mental Wellness2021-06-04T13:55:36-05:00

Take Control of Your Depression Without Medication or Side Effects


What is TMS? TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) is a depression treatment that uses a targeted magnetic field to stimulate areas of the brain that control mood and are thought to be underactive in people with depression. TMS Therapy is indicated for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in adult patients who have failed to receive [...]

Take Control of Your Depression Without Medication or Side Effects2022-09-22T14:45:51-05:00