Mental Health

Mental Health News by American Behavioral Clinics of Wisconsin

Take Our Depression Screening Test


Take this depression screening test to gain insight into your mental health. Remember, this tool is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis. Seek help from a doctor or licensed mental health professional for an accurate assessment. American Behavioral Clinics and its affiliates are not liable for any outcomes resulting from the [...]

Take Our Depression Screening Test2024-02-28T13:39:08-06:00

6 Ways Depression Can Affect Relationships


Depression can profoundly impact personal relationships, affecting both the individual experiencing depression and those close to them. Here's how: Strained Communication: Depression often leads to a lack of energy, motivation, and interest in activities, including communication. Individuals may withdraw from social interactions, becoming distant or unresponsive. This can create a sense of isolation and [...]

6 Ways Depression Can Affect Relationships2024-02-23T10:49:02-06:00

Can Self-Care Boost Your Mental Health?


Self-care has become an important player in the pursuit of human wellness during the 2020s. At American Behavioral Clinics, we hope you make room for self-care in your life. It offers whole-person benefits. Self-Care Reduces Stress Whether we are meditators, readers, bubble-bathers, fine-diners, or contemplative walkers, our preferred self-care practice provides [...]

Can Self-Care Boost Your Mental Health?2024-02-21T15:53:04-06:00

Why Depression Hurts


Depression can be an incredibly painful experience, both physically and emotionally, for several reasons: Chemical Imbalance: Depression often involves imbalances in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the brain. These chemicals regulate mood, emotions, and physical responses. When these chemicals are out of balance, it can lead to feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and [...]

Why Depression Hurts2024-02-15T16:42:08-06:00

Breaking the Silence: The Real Message Behind Why Depression Hurts


In a world that often expects us to present our best selves at all times, depression can be an isolating and painful experience. It's a silent battle that many face, yet it remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. But behind the facade of sadness and despair, there lies a deeper [...]

Breaking the Silence: The Real Message Behind Why Depression Hurts2024-01-31T13:50:22-06:00

Here’s What to Do If Your 2024 Started All Wrong


When your new year begins with a couple of unexpectedly difficult weeks, you might feel like you've lost your compass. Our tips can help you rediscover your path. Give Yourself Permission to Reboot To many, a fresh January’s initial moments are invigorating, but the first day of a calendar year is [...]

Here’s What to Do If Your 2024 Started All Wrong2024-01-19T10:39:33-06:00

Is Depression Dampening Your 2023 Holiday Season?


Do you feel oddly disconnected from holiday joy this year? If you're typically a fan of December's festivities, your recent detachment from jingle bells and glee may be personally surprising. Let's take a moment to explore your current state of mind together. You Could Be Depressed If you suspect depression is dampening your holidays this [...]

Is Depression Dampening Your 2023 Holiday Season?2023-12-18T13:04:06-06:00

Dealing with the Post-Holiday Blues


Post-holiday blues can make returning to work after the holidays can make going back to your routine seem stressful. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 64% of people with a mental health diagnosis find this period stressful. Still, they are definitely not alone as post-holiday blues can affect anyone. What are Post-holiday [...]

Dealing with the Post-Holiday Blues2023-12-18T13:09:42-06:00

Tips for Managing Holiday Anxiety, Stress and Anger


The heart of this year's holiday season is upon us, so we hope you are brimming with joy. We commemorate love and peace during December, but the month's pace may cause anxiety, stress and anger to bubble to the surface. If that notion feels relatable, keep reading to avoid regrettably sharing bad tidings this [...]

Tips for Managing Holiday Anxiety, Stress and Anger2023-12-11T10:39:19-06:00